Statute of Zielona ZHGRiDO

Statutes of the Association of Zielona pigeons club and Ornamental Poultry

§ 1
Zielonogórski pigeons club 1 Ornamental Poultry in Zielona Gora in short Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. brings together growers 1 lovers of pigeons of various breeds.
§ 2
area of ​​activity Z.Z.H.G.R.l D.O. Is the area of ​​the western Polish headquartered in Zielona Gora.
§ 3
Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. It is a registered association with legal personality. It works within the framework of existing legislation and on the basis of the present Statute.
§ 4
Z.Z.Ó.R.l D.O. uses its own seal, The Board will determine which models.
§ 5
Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. maybe:
  1. Engage in any business activities according to the general principles set out in separate przepisach.Dochód of activity! It will be designed to achieve the objectives Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. in accordance with Article. 34
  2. Establish cooperation with operators in the country and plays nlcą and be their member. The resolution on the accession as a member of these organizations as well as the occurrence of them made by the Board.
§ 6
Zielonogórski pigeons club and Ornamental Poultry's activity is based on the work of its members.
§ 7
Celem Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. Is:
  1. Associate breeders and lovers of pigeons race.
  2. Increasing and improving the level of breeding pigeons ,A Polish szczególnościras in the activity of the compound.
  3. The opening on broad cooperation with all wheels, compounds ,club breeding pigeons in the country and abroad.
  4. Shaping peer and partnership and the principles of social coexistence among all members.
§ 8
Your goals Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. shall in particular by:
  1. Supporting breeding pigeons and their derivatives by creating conditions for their development.
  2. Coordinating the work of breeding among the members of the:
    – demarcation of the main breeding purposes,
    – organize mutual assistance and defense of members' interests,
    – activities aimed at improving the quality and value of breeding pigeons, in accordance with the breeding policies,
    – training on knowledge and interpretation of standards and evaluation criteria pigeon exhibitions.
  3. Exhibitions pigeons
  4. Issuing rings breeding and maintaining their registration.
  5. Promoting ethics breeding.
§ 9
  1. Member Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. can be a breeder or a pigeon fancier who has full legal capacity and undertake to respect its statute provided:
    – a written declaration signed by himself 1 two introducing members,
    – pay rules provided for the entry fee and the annual fee.
  2. The amount of the entry fee and the annual fee and other charges, date and method of payment determined by the Board.
§ 10
  1. Adoption of a member Z.Z.H.G.R.I D.O. The Board shall at the request of a candidate supported by two members of introducing.
  2. Resolution on the adoption member of the Management Board shall take over the 2-ch months from the date of declaration. Adoption should be certified declaration signed by two members of the Board of Directors and the date of the resolution.
§ 11
Membership in Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. expires due:

Voluntary resignation submitted by a member of the Board in writing.

  1. The deletion on the basis of a resolution of the board as a result of not paying the annual fee.
  2. Exclusion on the basis of the resolution of the court peer.
  3. death of.
§ 12
  1. Deletion or exclusion under § 11 p. 2 1 3 it becomes effective upon receipt of the member written notice of deletion or exclusion and the reasons.
  2. Member Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. It may appeal the decision of deletion within 14 days from the date of receipt of the notification to the Court of Arbitration.
§ 13
Member Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. He has the right:
  1. To elect and to be elected to the authorities Z.Z.H.G.R. and D.O.
  2. Participate in the activities Z.Z.H.G.R.ID.0.
  3. Benefit from advice and assistance on issues related to breeding pigeons.
  4. Wear a badge Z.Z.H.G.R.1D.0.
  5. Performances opinion requests and demands in matters concerning Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  6. Belonging to a national organization of breeding pigeons and clubs and associations.
§ 14
Member Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. is obliged to:
  1. Lead breeding pigeons and if possible attend the shows 1 territorial and national exhibitions
  2. Take an active part in the work of Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  3. Comply with the provisions of the Articles of Association, regulations and resolutions of the.
  4. Take an active part in the meetings by participating in the work of authorities and bodies to which he was elected.
  5. Regularly pay contributions and other benefits applicable in Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. V
  6. Observe breeding ethics and moral in relation to each other 1 other members of.
  7. follow basic rules of social coexistence and strive to produce the Z.Z.H.G.R.I D.O. collegial atmosphere among members.
  8. Diligent and careful execution of work for Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. according to their skills and abilities.
§ 15
  1. For violation of the statute, regulations 1 Resolutions used nastąpujące penalty:
    – reminder,
    – nagana,
    – suspension of membership rights on okre3 1 year ( suspended członeft pay during this period fee to Z.Z.H.G.R.ID.0),
    – exclusion from Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  2. The penalized member of the Court of Arbitration shall have the right to appeal to Congress.
§ 16
  1. The governing bodies of the Association of Zielona pigeons club 1 Fancy poultry are:.

    a) Congress as the supreme authority
    b) Management
    c) revision Committee
    d) The court matey

  2. Authorities Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. They can make up your squad to 1/3 established composition.
§ 17

Congress members Z.Z.H.G.R 1 DO. convenes:

  1. Management.
  2. An Ordinary Congress is held every four years.
  3. Extraordinary Congress may be convened at the initiative of the Board or at the request of the Audit Committee and should be held within three months of the request.
  4. Congress is able to pass valid resolutions in the presence of 50% current members + 1 person. If the number is less than 50 % Congress convened in the second term is able to take valid resolutions regardless of the number of members present.
§ 13

To the exclusive jurisdiction of the Congress should be:

  1. The adoption of programs and determine the main directions of activity Z.Z.H.G.R.I D.O.
  2. The adoption of the regulations of the.
  3. Consideration of the report of the Board, Audit Commission and the Court of Arbitration for the period between Assemblies and granting discharge to the Management Board.
  4. Election of members of the Board in the number of 5-7 people, including the president of the Board.
  5. The choice of the Audit Committee – 2 persons.
  6. The choice of the Peer Court – 3 persons.
  7. Adoption of resolutions 1 provisions on matters of agenda.
  8. Adoption of the work regulations of the Board Audit Committee 1 Peer Court.
  9. Adoption of amendments to the Statute.
  10. Adoption of a resolution on the dissolution Z.Z.H.G.R. 1 DO.
§ 19
  1. The Board shall consist of elected by the Congress:
    – President
    – from 4 do 5 members.
  2. In addition, the Management Board is composed in an advisory capacity, field representatives at the number set by the Board.
  3. Elected by the Congress members within 3 days swe¬go elect from among the Vice-President, secretary and treasurer.
§ 20

The Board Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. manages the activities ZśZ.H.G.R.i.D.0. accordance with the Statute and the resolutions of Congress.

  1. It works with interested associations and wheels, clubs and institutions in the country and abroad.
  2. Appointed attorneys field and determines their territorial reach, at the request of interested members. A proxy may be appointed and in, residential, the region where the number of members Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. is a minimum 5 members. The plenipotentiaries to be connectors between the members and the Board on matters relating to Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  3. Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. initiates 1 is established – in accordance with Article. 34 applicable rules,
  4. 7. the affairs of the members:
    – register of members,
    – accepting members,
    – deletion of members.
  5. Determine the amount of the buy-annual contributions 1 other charges States and operates financial Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  6. If possible needs for employment to prowadze¬nia matters Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. and sets of their salaries.
§ 21

Z.Z.H.G.R.i.D.O Management Board is obliged to implement all issues relating to the proceedings in the breeding pigeons of all breeds ,in particular, ras Polish.


§ 22

The Board may appoint committees and task teams and determine their composition and functions.


§ 23

Detailed regulations for the Board establishes Congress.
§ 24
For the Audit Committee should be:
  1. Controlling the overall activity Z.Z.H.G.i D.O.
  2. Ongoing analysis of the economic situation of the Union and submit proposals to the Management Board observations.
  3. Supervision and control of the current financial situation Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  4. Submission to Congress a request for discharge to the Management Board.
  5. Submission of a request to convene an Extraordinary Ujazd.
§ 25
The scope and operation of the Audit Committee of the separate regulations passed by Congress.
§ 26
To the Court of Arbitration Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. should:
  1. Consideration and settlement of cases States in the:
    – disputes arising between members
    – violations by members of regulations Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. and undermining the authority of the Union.
  2. Examination 1 appeals from members of the Management Board resolutions on matters of deletions from the list of members Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.
  3. Meting out punishments in accordance with § 15 Articles of Association.
  4. Reporting to Congress on its activities.
§ 27
Proceedings of the Peer is based on the regulations passed by the Congress.

Funds and assets Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.

  1. Real Z.Z.F.G.R.i D.O. 3translates into the property, mobility rights and funds.
  2. Real Z.Z.H.G.R. 1 DO. from the entry fee and consisted States, the proceeds of their statutory activity and economic, donations and bequests.
§ 29
To conclude, granting powers of attorney and make declarations of will in all matters of property, it is required and the signatures of two members of the Board, including one signature of the President or the Vice-President of the stamp Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O.

§ 30
Resolutions authorities Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. subject to § 17 p.4 simple majority of votes of at least half of the members. Change of the Articles of Association requires a resolution of the Congress, passed by a majority of at least 2-/3 of votes present at the Congress. Each member has one vote.
§ 31
0 termination Z.Z.H.G.R. and D.O. Congress determines the presence of 2/3 members of the majority 3/4 votes.
§ 32
Authorities Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. may adopt resolutions only in matters included in the agenda announced to members at least :
– 14 days before the date of the Congress,
– 7 days prior to the meetings of other authorities.
§ 33
Voting on resolutions Explicit. Secret voting on resolutions takes place at the request of half of the members present at the session. When government elections Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. secret ballot is held. Authorities are selected person with unlimited number of candidates, which received the largest amount of votes.
Chairman of the Board can be elected candidate, who will receive a minimum of 50ºC + 1 valid votes.
The term of authorities Z.Z.H.G.R.i D.O. four years.
§ 34
Convening of Congresses, meetings, obradowania 1 conditions for adopting resolutions set out in detail the rules of the meeting of the Association of Zielona power pigeons club and Ornamental Poultry in Zielona Gora.