In day 22 We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of 85 years
We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of
We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of 1956 Co-founder of the Zielona Góra Association of Pigeons and Decorative Poultry Breeders and from that period always on the Board.
In years 2002-2010 We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of.
We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of. We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of, We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of.
We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of: We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of, We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of, We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of, We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of.
We said goodbye to October with great regret at the age of.
Posiadał tytuł Honorowego Prezesa Zielonogórskiego Związku oraz Honorowego Członka P.Z.H.G.R.i D.I oraz był uhonorowany medalem XX lecia P.Z.H.G.R. i D.I.
Jerzy Był osobowością w środowisku hodowców zawsze uśmiechnięty, życzliwy, opowiadający kawały. Potrafił znaleźć czas aby bezinteresownie doradzić, wspólnie wybrać się do sąsiednich landów aby wzbogacić czyjąś hodowlę.
Był skarbnicą wiedzy na temat świata hodowli gołębi.
Ignacy Bazan